Viewing AI Data
A Description of View AI Data for Analysis
Last updated
A Description of View AI Data for Analysis
Last updated
By Uploading Images into Wildlife Portal Desktop, all the analysis done on the images is saved for future reference as a DataBatch
This toggle switches what is seen on the Camera Stations page to be from a list of camera stations to the AI Analysis pages
.The Data Statistics page gives information on the Overall data within the Study. It's split up into these sections
Data Summary
Outlines Total Number of Images, Detections, and Number of Species
Detected Species
Outlines how much of each species was detected
Data Batches
Contains Specific Informaton from Individual Uploads. Each upload is associated with a DataBatch ID but the Upload Date may be useful for locating a specific upload
When clicking on one of the data batches, you're navigated into the specific data contained within that data batch that also shows the specific images that were uploaded with that data batch.'
The AI screen gives you information on a whole slew of data from your images. This includes
All Species Collected
Bounding Boxes Around the Animals in the Images
Confidence Score of the Model
Image the Statistic was Taken
Confidence Threshold being used for analysis